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Chuck Johnson, Fairbanks, AK is the winner!

William Helmer is the answer for Week 412 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Canadian

Tuesday: Accomplished timber cruiser

Wednesday: Tall and lanky

Thursday: Had a reserved demeanor

Friday: Worked with the Weyerhausers

Saturday: If he gave a timber cruise figure, it could be taken to the bank.

Willaim Helmer was a Canadian who was very astute at timber cruising. He teamed up with William Deary to work with Weyerhausers to open up the timber industry in the Potlatch and Elk River areas. The two men were very different physically with Helmer tall and lanky and Deary, short and stout. According to John Bradbury's History of Clearwater County series, they also were in demeanor, with Helmer reserved and Deary mercurial. However, they both loved the woods and were very good at cruising.

Helmer was Potlatch Company's chief timber cruiser for many years. The town of 'Helmer' in Latah County is named for him.

(Photo from the Latah County Historical collection)

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