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John Werner, Scarsdale, NY is the winner!

Orofino Courier is the answer for Week 370 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch each day for another clue.

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Monday: It was a first.

Tuesday: Horace and James Greer

Wednesday: The area was still part of Shoshone County.

Thursday: Some parts were local and some from elsewhere.

Friday: It was produced weekly.

Saturday: Was produced on an army press

Monday: The first edition was just the front and back of one sheet.

The Orofino Courier was the pioneer newspaper for what was then Shoshone County. Horace E. and James R. Greer printed their first issue May 19, 1899 on an army press with a few handfuls of type. The first edition (which is available for viewing at the Clearwater Historical Museum) was just front and back. Later the five-column paper expanded to four pages with part of the news written locally and part of it produced elsewhere. The press and type were brought to Orofino in a buggy, according to the History of North Idaho. The miniature printing plant was installed in the corner of the Clearwater Improvement Company's warehouse near the river bank and there it stayed until the Greers were able to construct a better place for it. Their equipment was upgraded over the years and at the time the book was written in 1903 the office was on Johnson Ave., which at the time was called Main St.

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