Window on the Clearwater
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Texas Ranch is the answer for Week 359 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: It was a hospitable place.

Tuesday: Travelers stopped there.

Wednesday: Was reputedly the first in the area

Thursday: Travelers could buy a plate of bacon and beans for four bits.

Friday: Located two miles west of where the Fraser Post Office used to be

Saturday: Not much is know about the original owner.

Monday: Played a key roll during the Gold Rush

Tuesday: The property changed hands several times.

Wednesday: Had the name of another state

The Texas Ranch played a key role in the Gold Rush to the Pierce area. According to John Bradbury's history of Clearwater County series, it is acknowledged as the first ranch, not only at Fraser, but in the entire area. He says that the name and background of the owner, known as 'Tex', are not known. It was later sold to Milo Thomas who later sold it to Martin Mauli and Peter Hourcade, who called it the Lolo Ranch.

It was located two miles west of the Fraser post office, at the southern end of where the prairie grassland began. For its time it was quite an operation that welcomed travelers hospitably. Bradbury said that by 1870 it had 19 horses, 230 head of cattle, 20 hogs and 10 chickens. "Young John Molloy, who worked there as a youth, said the 'place had a reputation for its hospitality. No one came there but was well fed as long as he cared to stay, and lunch enough to take him to his next destination.'"

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