Window on the Clearwater
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Harriet Reece, Cavendish and Lewiston, is the winner!

The old Clearwater County Road Department shops is the answer for Week 355 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Near the river

Tuesday: Added to several times

Wednesday: Had showers that were used for a time

Thursday: It had an office

Friday: Rigs were repaired and serviced there.

Saturday: Floats were built there.

Monday: It is covered in metal.

Tuesday: Used to have gas storage tanks

Wednesday: Is county owned

The old Clearwater County Road Department shops are located on Riverfrot Rd. near the McLaughlin Logging shop, just west of the Clearwater Bridge across the Clearwater River. The main shop was built in the 1930s and buildings were added to it. Over the years it had an office, showers, a rig repair area and various other parts. It had underground fuel storage tanks. For several years, Orofino Celebrations, Inc. (OCI) built their royalty floats there. At the present, it is being used part of the week to bundle cardboard to be shipped for recycling rather than have it go to the landfill.

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