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Louis J. Herres is the answer for Week 324 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Was the son of a doctor

Tuesday: Both parents passed away when he was quite young.

Wednesday: He started a business in Peck.

Thursday: He lived in Canada with his grandfather after his parents died.

Friday: Started working in a drug store at a young age.

Saturday: Came to Peck in 1896

Monday: His drug store also had sundries and other supplies.

Tuesday: Was a member of the Peck city council

Wednesday: He married a woman from Peck and they had two children.

Thursday: He was a Democrat.

Friday: He belonged to the Caholic Church.

Saturday: Completed a course in pharmacy in Detroit, MI

Monday: Was a baseball fan and fond of hunting

History of Idaho includes the following info:

Louis J. Herres was born in Clinton County, Michigan in 1877 the son of Dr. Simon and Amelia (Amen) Herres. His father was active in the practice of medicine in Michigan for many years before his death. Louis had one sister, Clara. He lost his mother at age 3 and his father died about four years later.

At the age of eight, he went to live with his grandfather in Canada and stayed there for four years before returning to Detroit where he accepted a position at the drug store of J.P. Rhenfrank where he worked for three years. In 1892, he went to Toronto, Canada and worked for the King Street Drug Company for about a year and then lived and worked in various other Canadian towns before returning to the U.S. and coming to live in Moscow in 1893. He lived there until coming to Peck in 1896. Shortly after his arrival he established a drug store with a full line of drugs, as well as sundries and supplies of different sorts. He "fitted" himself for the work of a druggist in Detroit where he completed a pharmacy course.

He was very interested in public affairs and was a Democrat. He spent two terms on the Peck City Council. He also was a member of the Catholic Church and the Woodmen of the World. He was a fan of baseball and was fond of hunting.

He and Lulu Kirby of Peck were married Oct. 31, 1901 in Lewiston. They had two children, Wayne S. and Eleanor. Their home was the scene of many social gatherings of the day.

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