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University of Idaho Clearwater County Extension is the answer for Week 304 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch each day for another clue.

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Monday: They help with growing.

Tuesday: Green for decades

Wednesday: A variety of offerings

Thursday: Adults and children participate.

Friday: 1936

Saturday: Helping to learn

Monday: George W. Johnson

According to research and writing by Claud and Elvita Judd, Clearwater County's University of Idaho Extension Office was opened in 1936 with George W. Johnson as Extension Agent. The federal government paid the agent's salary and the county defrayed the office costs. The office was in the basement of the courthouse after remodeling made room for him. He was especially interested in organizing 4-H clubs for boys and girls, doing general extension activities and federal emergency farm projects.

Miss Hattie Abbott, District Home Demonstration Agent from the UI Extension Service met with local women in 1936 to organize a home economics club. The club was to cover homemaking topics such as sewing, cooking, interior decorating, community needs and other issues.

4-H clubs were soon being organized for boys and girls. Initially, there were 90 girls and 55 boys who expressed interest in being involved with the clubs which were being formed in various locations around the county.

Over the ensuing years, there have been a variety of programs and services through the office according to the needs and interests of the people in Clearwater County.

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