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Order of the Eagles is the answer for Week 247 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch for more about the history of the Eagles in Orofino.

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Monday: Good works

Tuesday: Friendly association and support

Wednesday: Spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality

Thursday: Grants to help in community

Orofino's Fraternal Order of Eagles was chartered in 1979 and the first members were initiated Dec. 18, 1979. The group's motto is: "People helping people."

Through monthly dues and fundraisers, the group gathers funds to help individuals and families in the community. According to long-time member Wendell Stark, they help those who have particular medical needs, people who have had house fires and etc. They also donated money annually to organizations such as Orofino Youth Baseball, Clearwater Youth Alliance, and the Senior Citizens.

Through their Grand Aerie, they apply for grants to help with costs for training and equipment for such programs as getting AEDs in schools. Through the Grand Aerie, they can also donate to specific international projects such as diabetes research, Jimmy Durante Children's Fund and others.

Those who would like further information about the group may contact Stark at 476-3191. He said those involved in law enforcement, emergency medical services or the fire services are admitted free for the first year.

Trivia Archives

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