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Orofino Elementary School is the answer for Week 226 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Many voices

Tuesday: Expanded, then shrunk

Wednesday: Temporary structures have become permanent.

Thursday: 1954

After several construction delays, Orofino Elementary School opened for classes in September 20, 1954. It was constructed on the old property of the Washington-Idaho Lime Company and cost $370,000. It included three wings, a gymnasium and kitchen facilities, according to information in the Clearwater Tribune of the day.

The new school brought in students from Banner, Piper, Greer and Mountain View schools, as well as those that had been attending classes in the "tin building" in Orofino. Classes had also been held at the Chrisian, Methodist and Nazarene churches prior to the construction, according to the article.

Less than 20 years later, during the construction of Dworshak Dam, student enrollment ballooned and temporary classroom trailers were placed on the side of the school. Those still remain though enrollment fell sharply after the dam was completed.Enrollment has continued to decline across the district in the last few years, though not as large numbers. The trailers are still in use, though not as much for full time classrooms.

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