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No One Got This!

Browns Rock is the answer for Clearwater Country History Trivia #687 a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Not typical

Tuesday: Very solid

Wednesday: Important conferences

Thursday: Now hard to find

Friday: At one time had a ladder built

Saturday: They came to an understanding.

Monday: They could see what was needed.

Tuesday: Timber claims

Wednesday: Wildfires

Thursday: Should have a historical marker

Friday: Prominence 453 feet

Saturday: Elevation 4,701 feet

Tuesday: Granite

Wednesday: 1902-1905

Thursday: Very large

Friday: A common name

Saturday: A beginning of something new to the area

Monday: Collaborative

Tuesday: Browns, Fohl, Munson

Browns Rock is a large granite stone on the top of the ridge near the Browns Rock Lookout used to be, according to A.B. Curtis in White Pines and Fires: Cooperative Forestry in Idaho. It is the spot where the Browns (Charles and Nathaniel), Theodore Fohl and Charles Munson came to an understanding that fire protection was badly needed, since there was no use in timber claims being taken, only to have them burn up the following year.

Many important conferences were held there in the years from 1902 to 1905. At some point a ladder was built so people could climb up the rock. Curtis felt the spot should be marked with information on its history. He said that when he wrote the book, it was a little hard to find unless someone knew where it was.

According to Peak Advisor it is at elevation 4,701 feet and a prominence 453 feet.

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