Window on the Clearwater
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Jim Ford Creek is the answer for Number 532 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: 39.1 miles

Tuesday: Drops

Wednesday: Lewiston

Thursday: Trees

Friday: Lewiston

Saturday: 2,200 feet

Monday: Clearwater tributary

Tuesday: Power

Wednesday: Near Weippe

Thursday: Private company

Friday: Sold trees in Lewiston

Saturday: Hydro

Jim Ford Creek in Clearwater County is named for a Lewiston merchant, Jim Ford, who cut trees along the creek and rafted them to Lewiston to sell, according to Idaho Place Names.

The creek is a tributary of the Clearwater River that starts near Weippe, is 39.1 miles in length and flows from elevation 3,201 to 1,001 feet, according to Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Fishing Planner web site.

It has a small, independent hydro plant with a capacity of 1.5 megawatts that opened in 1988.

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Window on the Clearwater
P.O. Box 2444
Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
Fax: 208-476-4140
